Introducing Chuck’s website for his latest book
Hi everyone! Thanks for checking out my new website.
After I retired (2002) after a thirty-three-year career teaching U.S. History, I have written three books. Why did I start writing? I think the inspiration came after I read this quote by Toni Morrison: “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”
This website will introduce you to all three of my books. It will tell you a little bit of my background. It will present an excerpt from my latest book. It will even tell you how to purchase any or all of my books. It will present dates when I will appear in your area for a book signing (you might persuade your local bookstore to contact me for a signing!). Best of all, it will allow you to contact me to ask a question, to give a review of my book, or arrange for a book signing in your area.
This website was created by AuthorHouse to specifically introduce readers to my third book, Look What Sports Did To This Little Kid! A Baby Boomer’s Journey Through the Golden Age of Sports. I am currently looking for an agent for the manuscript.
The book is an autobiography with an emphasis on how my life has been affected by sports. The book is about me. But, don’t worry, it’s also about you too…if you were born between 1946 and 1964. If you don’t fall into that Baby Boom category, no problem, the book is also for all sports fans. If you aren’t in any of these subsets, you should know that the book also highlights the history of our time…or, maybe you’re someone who just likes to enjoy some interesting stories!
Here are endorsements from three prominent sport celebrities who have read and reviewed the work:
“Chuck Spinner’s recollections of the part sports has played in his life are sure to resonate not only with baby boomers like Chuck (and me), but with anyone who appreciates the fond memories and lasting personal connections sports have provided with so many of us.”
- Bob Costas, Hall of Fame sports broadcaster and commentator. Bob has won 28 Emmy Awards for his work and has been lead host for 12 Olympic games (1988-2016). In 2012 Bob won the prestigious William Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism.
“All of us have so many memories of our youthful days and our connection with sports and the heroes who captured our imagination. Chuck Spinner and his view of the golden age of sports enables us to reflect on our view of history as we saw life and the talented athletes we idolized.
Chuck connects the love of our early years and the impact of sports, religion, and family. His wholesome view of faith as well as athletics makes us yearn for the ‘good ‘ol days’.
As you enjoy his work, you will think of the numerous individuals that assisted you in your maturation. Please enjoy this marvelous work. It will bring a smile to your face!”
- Bill Raftery, legendary high school player (All-State in basketball, baseball, and soccer!), college head basketball coach (Farleigh Dickinson University and Seton Hall University) and heralded veteran sports broadcaster.
“As a youngster, sports was a big part of my life. Growing up in Beacon, N.Y. (now West Point) watching the high school teams in Baseball, Football, and Basketball was a big influence in my life.
Chuck makes you reflect on those moments, in his book ‘Look What Sports Did to This Little Kid!’
Life’s journey is only reinforced by the people in sports, who were a part of your Life.”
- Digger Phelps. At the age of 29, Digger began a brilliant 20-year basketball coaching career at Notre Dame University (1971-1991) and followed that with 20 years (1993-2014) as an ESPN basketball analyst.
I’d love to, very soon, include testimonials and reflections from my readers.

Positively Naperville paper on December 22, 202
Naperville native releases third book with tales of golden age of sports – Positively Naperville
PN Editor
Above / Recently Chuck Spinner contacted PN regarding the completion of his third book, “Look What Sports Did To…
The weather was great for Chuck’s book signing at Notre Dame! Chuck and Patrice were joined by their great Cleveland friends, Craig and Cheryl Phillips who drove to South Bend for the event.
Upcoming Book Signing: Chuck will be giving a synopsis on all three of his books at the Champaign County Library, in Urbana, Ohio at 6:30pm on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024. It’s not too early to think about the perfect gift for Father’s Day, “Look What Sports Did To This Little Kid! A Baby Boomer’s Journey Through the Golden Age of Sports (Look What Sports Did to This Little Kid/Chuck Spinner).
One of the duties of a new father is to help change diapers. Here’s how this job can be accomplished according to former major league ballplayer, Jimmy Piersal: “Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher’s mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and pin the three together. Of course, in case of rain, you gotta call the game and start all over again. ORDER NOW, either from this website, from Amazon, or order through your local bookstore. June 16th will be here before you know it!

Save the Date: June 22, 2025, at 2pm at Andersons Bookshop in Naperville, Illinois! Chuck Spinner is happy to announce that he has been invited to have a signing this summer at Andersons for his book, Look What Sports Did To This Little Kid! A Baby Boomer’s Journey Through the Golden Age of Sports. The book has been recommended by sports celebraties Bob Costas, Bill Raftery, and Digger Phelps. A Kirkus review states: “the real charm of this commpletely endearing book is its everyman spirit….a warm and inviting collection of sports tales from a gifted story teller.”
Spinner has signed at Andersons on the occasion of each of his two previous books. Please share this website (https://www.chuckspinner.com) with friends and family for info on his sports book as well as to find details on his previous two publications. The book will be sure to be of interest to sports fans, baby boomers, Naperville residents, and people who just like a fun, nostalgic story.
Andersons has been honored with several National Book Store of the Year awards. The bookshop is located at 123 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville, Illinois 60540. Call 630-355-2665 to preorder copies of the book.